
Welcome to the Highams Residents’ Association (HRA). Founded in 1955 specifically for residents in The Highams Estate; Crealock Grove, Henry’s Avenue, Keynsham Avenue, Lichfield Road, Marion Grove, Mason Road, Montalt Road, Nesta Road, Tamworth Avenue and The Charter Road. We are the oldest Residents’ Association in the Borough. Located in the leafy suburb of Woodford Green, Essex within the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

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In 1955 several concerned neighbours got together and formed the Higham’s Residents Association. Following the war, developments were taking place to rebuild communities and facilities. It was felt by the residents that the Highams Estate was worth protecting from indiscriminate development and this has generally been the ethos of the Association since then.

  • The Highams Park was purchased by the Council in 1937 for use as a Park. Before World War II the Warner Estate staff played cricket in the park on Saturday afternoons. The Council had to obtain a waiver from Sir Henry Warner to allow the development of the prefab estate. When the prefabs were due to be demolished HRA lobbied the Council to re-instate the site as a public park.
  • It was proposed in the early 1960s to erect a thirteen-story block of flats on the corner of Chingford Lane and Montalt Road. HRA made strong objections to the proposal, graphically demonstrating from what distance the flats could be seen and the proposal was dropped.

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News & Events


We publish regular newsletters where we endeavour to keep you updated on news in and around the area. See March 2021 Newsletter

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Because of the ongoing situation with power shortages, HRA will not be holding the Xmas lights competition this year.

HRA 2022 AGM

The 65th HRA AGM was held in the Rugby Club at 8pm on Thursday 21st April 2022.

HRA 2021 AGM

The 64th HRA AGM planned for April 2021 was cancelled because of COVID-related restrictions on Group Meetings in effect at that time.

Privacy Policy

Your attention is drawn to our new privacy policy. Please see privacy notice.

Neighbourhood Watch

For further information please go to www.met.police.uk/teams/walthamforest/hatchlane/

Neighbourhood Watch has merged with the HRA to improve communication on the estate.

The Safer Neighbourhoods team is comprised of Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) who are dedicated to making your neighbourhood a safer place to live in, work in and visit. They listen and talk to you, and find out what affects your daily life and feelings of security. You can contact them via e-mail or phone. As part of the Policing Pledge they will respond to every message directed to them within 24 hours. However, they are not a 24-hour response team, so if it is an emergency please call 999.

For more information about local policing visit the main Safer Neighbourhoods website.

For non-essential crime or if you have seen something suspicious and would like to report it, please phone 101 and you can speak to a PCSO.

To email a member of the Neighbourhood Watch residents committee please contact: highamsra@gmail.com